A Happy Meeting with UST Global Malaysia

“Making ‘happiness at work’ a strategic choice from today!”
The drive from Kuala Lumpur city centre to Cyberjaya was pleasant on the Thursday afternoon a few weeks ago. The sun was shining bright and so was my mood :) I also was excited that I would be meeting Mr. Shibu Abraham,
Director – CRM & Agile Practice of UST Global. Fennande from Happy Office, my associate partner, told me Shibu is a nice guy and after meeting him I totally agree with that. Sitting in front of me was a smiling, soft spoken and intellectual guy who, absolutely, made me feel welcome and comfortable.
Shibu told me that his experience with the happiness at work project in India last year at The Agile International Conference in Bangalore was a successful one, and the next Agile Conference, which will be in March 2018, is already open for registration. If my schedule allows for it I certainly would like to join this event.
To Shibu, the Happiness at Work topic is a refreshing new concept, a pleasant change and a very important topic for all leaders to know. I could certainly see the excitement in his eyes when speaking about his team, and his leadership style is admirable! I think he is one leader who can sacrifice for the good and growth of his team members, and I believe working for him would be fun and fulfilling.
We spoke about his experience with the ‘Choose Happiness’ exercise/game in a workshop conducted by my associate partner, Happy Office from the Netherlands at the Agile Conference in India. His experience with the exercise/game was enjoyable, happy, fun and that it spurred creativity among the participants. Seems like he had a great experience and he would share it with his team when he has the time to do so during one of their team-building activities. Shibu is happy and full of passion when speaking about it. That tells me why he actually won a book during the workshop!
Our next step will be a ‘Happiness at Work’ workshop for his team and I am very much looking forward to meet with Shibu again soon in the very near future. It is my privilege to have this opportunity to work with a Company that makes happiness a strategic choice. Hence, in UST Global, their core values are humility, humanity and integrity – the UST Global way.